A detailed event guide, complete with pictures, anecdotes and stories from 3 Canadian missionaries in Dublin Ireland.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

We're Having a Banquet !!

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update - on October 14th from 6pm-9pm, myself, Kristie and Tasha are having a Jortosh Ireland Fall Fundraiser at our Church! Tickets are $20 in advance, and limited tickets will be available at the door. So, this is just a general invite for those of you that we don't get to see enough - and for those of you who just want to know what's going on!!

Anyways, we are hoping to raise enough money to cover all of our plane tickets and first months rent - so pray if you can that God would move in a big big way.

Much Love,
Jen and Kiki
Jortosh Ministries Ireland


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want pictures!! And love. CAN I PLEASE GET SOME LOVE!! I am so selfish...give the love to the kids. Won't someone think of the children?!

2:00 AM


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