I'm Not 35 ...
As some of you know, I want to be a writer. I have for a long time and being here in Ireland has kind of awakened that dream in me again. Recently, I decided it might be a good idea to start looking into schooling for when I return to Canada. I stumbled upon Briercrest Seminary School - and was totally excited because I could become a Youth Pastor with a degree (of some form) in Youth and Family Ministry and do my writing on the side! It was PERFECT for me. Not too expensive, the classes sounded super interesting and best of all close enough to home that I can come home to visit whenever I want. And then the axe fell all over that idea and my excitement.
Turns out I can't get into Briercrest Seminary without having a Bachelor's Degree first - so that's 4 years of schooling (at least) before I can even qualify for Seminary and then another 4 years of schooling on top of that. I know this is common knowledge for a lot of people, but I am not a lot of people. The only other way I could get in is if I was a "mature student" and normally, a mature student is someone over 21 without a degree - but not at Briercrest. A mature student is 35 YEARS OLD. So I am bummed. Really bummed. Every plan I make for school falls through. Is the Lord trying to tell me something here?!? I am determined to go back to school but the idea of getting a Bachelor's Degree FIRST, is a tad daunting. I guess I will just have to keep praying that God works this out for me ...
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