A detailed event guide, complete with pictures, anecdotes and stories from 3 Canadian missionaries in Dublin Ireland.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Tonight, We Laughed

Jenn called tonight and it was exactly what we needed (not that talking to Todd wasn't just as good - it's just Jenn brings a more ... hyper quality ... nevermind). Seriously, I love this girl. WE love this girl. Here's a list of 10 things we love about Jenn Sanders:

10) Her great big laugh. It can almost overshadow mine (Jen) which is fabulous when in public places.

9) Her crazy mind - it works on a more intellectual level than most but when it comes to random stuff - this girl is the QUEEN. Example: She just yelled the name "Turd Ferguson" at me via Kiki - I love that she knows I will remember where it's from. (And by the way Jenn, $TEXAS)

8) Her energy - I don't know how she does it. She runs on pure love, I swear. Whenever you see her, she hasn't got coke, coffee or prescription drugs in her. She's just running on joy. We will have pulled an all nighter watching "Cat in The Hat" or "SNL" and she'll wake me up at 6am with a grin just ready to take on the day.

7) HER SKILLZ - This girl can dance - yes, all beautiful and stuff, but what I love? The way she makes up 80's dances with me (Jen) in the basement or somewhere public - and she dances like she's teaching the whole world how. It's like, everyone on earth was blind and she has organized a dance routine for when they simultaneously get their sight back. And the first thing they will see? Her doing her own rendition of "The Running Man" to "Jumping in the House of God". It's epic. If you haven't seen it, you need to. (Jenn, Kiki and I have since made up the BEST "Fruit Aerobics" for VBS)

6) How encouraging she is - We could be having the worst day EVER, and she just encourages us right out of it. And she can use anything as a tool to help - be it a dancing duck named "Puddles" or a picture of her looking like a little Irish boy. No funk is powerful enough to keep Jenn Sanders away. Except for Jen's funk - which is a whole different kind of funk!

5) How she deals with her emotions - Kiki loves how when she gets angry she just smiles and dances around. I like that she yells. LOUD.

4) Her inside jokes - Jenn manages to incorporate inside jokes to ANY public performance - especially VBS. I've never seen anyone make a puppet clear it's throat as much as Jenn.

3) Her love of SLEEP - She will fall asleep any TIME, any WHERE - it doesn't matter what the situation. If Jennifer Sanders is tired, so help you she will SLEEP. Like, in the middle of an emotional prayer time, or a movie, or VBS, even behind the wheel ... you get the idea.

2) Her ridiculous nature - She decides to get her hair dyed and then realizes half way through that she needs another box - now most people would send someone else to get them a box or just go through with the hair dying and do the other box later. Not Jenn. No no, she will just throw on sweat pants and treck out to Shoppers at 1am with hair dye still ALL OVER HER. I love girls who, like me, have absolutely no pride.

1) Her appetite and IRON STOMACH - This girl will eat ANYTHING. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Noodles and ketchup, cold fries, half eaten sandwiches, old CAKE - nothing gets out alive. "I'm not even mad, I'm impressed!"

So, we love you Gomez and we wanted everyone to know just how much. This is only a list of 10 things, but we couldn't fit them all on the blog. Love love love love.

Jen and Kiki
a.k.a Bob and Kipper


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