A detailed event guide, complete with pictures, anecdotes and stories from 3 Canadian missionaries in Dublin Ireland.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since we've updated so I will try to keep this packed with info but short. The days are getting longer, and warmer -which I know you guys don't care about because its way warmer here (+4) than it is there (-18), so we are all enjoying that. We're all working full time and enjoying our jobs for the most part.

We have a new addition to our home!! Andrea Hoffman has come to live with us for the next few months before she heads off to Romania to work in an orphanage. Ania (the Polish girl) moved out to find her own place as she's 27 and would like a room of her own. So, it just so happened that Andrea came right around the time Ania left. We're missing Ania loads but Andrea is good fun and I've known her for years - so it's been fun to catch up.

We haven't seen much of the kids lately as it gets dark so early but we are planning some fun things for Valentines day so we hope to see them all then.

Things that are going on soon: Jill and Joe come to visit and minister in April, Kat and her sister come in May, big surprise in June and then Kris and Shaelagh come to stay for a couple months in July or so. Eventually Tina will make her way down here too so we are looking forward to seeing our friends and family soon!!

Stay tuned for some pictures from Andrea's recent birthday celebration, the demolishing of the wall in our bathroom to combat mould and other random tid bits. I will also be sending out a mass email some time this week so check your email for that!!

Thanks for reading all of this incredibly gripping information!

More than Well,
Jen, Kiki and Tasha
Jortosh Ministries Ireland


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