A detailed event guide, complete with pictures, anecdotes and stories from 3 Canadian missionaries in Dublin Ireland.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The March Kids Party!

Hi Everyone,

We figured we would upload some of the pictures from the kids party we had on Saturday! It was a great success and we peaked at 15 kids - seeing as we invited all 20 in the neighbourhood, that's a great turnout! We discovered that sidewalk chalk it a definite crowd pleaser, as well as face paint! The balloon animals were brought out at the end and you can see why by checking out the pictures... We hope you enjoy them...

More than Well,
Jen, Kristie and Tasha

Tasha and Kiki manned the face painting station and got painted themselves!! I steered clear using "No artistic ability" as my well crafted excuse ... when really I had a sneaking suspicion (that was later proved right) that the face paint was not coming off without lemon juice and dish washing soap.

The girls were delighted with Kiki's little flowers and butterflies.

There's Kiki and I before the party started and Kiki and Tasha excited about the balloon animals they'd made. They made all the dogs, swords and flowers for the kids. I am useless with not JUST face paint - no no, my lack of talent extends also to balloon animals. I popped 6 balloons before giving up.

Hop skotch and chalk worms! I'm sure the East Wall Mums were delighted when their children returned home hyper from candy, stained with face paint and covered in sidewalk chalk. We're makin' memories here people.

Ah ha! I love this picture - somehow Kiki convinced these boys that they were tigers and when I told them to roar - this is what I got!

Then we brought out the balloon swords and the kids got rowdy. And this picture was a competition for the nicest smile. They all won cause they're so darn cute.

These kids were playing a very drawn out hop skotch game. And that's me and our little princess. She was so proud of her hand painted daisy and butterfly (kudos Kiki) that she ran around all afternoon with her sleeve pulled up showing off to anyone who would look. And yes, I'm wearing a balloon hat. No, I didn't make it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tash - Looks awesome! Thanks for the link!

I love you :)


2:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

holla ladies!!

Face paints, balloons, and sidewalk chalk are three essential party pleasers. I still use them at all my parties. aha. Tashie.... have my babies!!

3:10 AM

Blogger Nat Zook said...

Hey Girls,
You are rocking the world for Jesus one day at a time!
Face paint in Heaven...OOOOOOO YA !!!!
Keep up the good work! Peace!

9:16 AM


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