A detailed event guide, complete with pictures, anecdotes and stories from 3 Canadian missionaries in Dublin Ireland.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Safe And Happy Arrival !!

Hey Again!

Just another quick post to say and Joe and Jill arrived happy and healthy yesterday (wow, that makes them sound like newborns doesn't it?!). We are so happy to have them and have had a blast already. We spent all last night ministering to the kids outside - and I swear, the boys in the neighbourhood could SMELL the testosterone when Joe arrived - they are so stoked to have a guy around to play football with!! Kristie and I are useless with the whole "sports" aspect, but at least Tasha tries!!

The best part of playing with the kids last night was getting to lead 3 of them to the Lord!! I walked a couple of the boys home and got to talking with them and my favourite girl outside. We discussed "Passion of The Christ" (as it was on t.v. here last night) and I got to explain why Jesus went thru all that and what that can mean to us. The kids were so excited and wanted to "talk to Jesus and tell Him [their] happy thoughts" that they wanted to receive Christ right that second!! So, on the grass, in the dark, on the anniversary weekend of our Saviour's death, 3 children came to know Jesus - unhindered, uninhibited and unaware of exactly what this moment meant to me. So praise God that He's up to something and thank you for your prayers and intercession. We feel it over here - we really do.

We'll send a more detailed update soon !!
Happy Easter - we pray you are blessed.
Much Love,
Jen, Kiki and Tasha
Jortosh Ministries Ireland


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