Christmas Pictures
Tasha and I at an outdoor market put on by the Travellers in Dublin. Travellers are kind of like Irish Gypsies and they put on this market every year to sell their handmade stuff. It was amazing.
This convinced me that not all graffiti is crude. This is truly art.
Our house, all decorated for Christmas.
Me, nervously documenting my first ever attempt at cooking something for Christmas dinner. It didn't turn out well, but bless Kristie and Tasha for pretending it was good.
A sideways picture of our Christmas tree. Obviously we all got loads of presents and spoiled eachother rotten.
Adorable Dylan and Cameron holding the stockings we gave them. We gave out stockings full of gifts and treats to all the neighbourhood kids. It was a big hit.
Kristie and myself at the outdoor market. LOOK. AT. MY. HAIR ... !!!
Kristie and Tasha at the same outdoor market. It was a wonderful bonding experience for all of us.
So, we hope you enjoyed all of these pictures and allow me to apologize AGAIN for sending you all another email of nonsense. Please forgive us and don't make fun of my hair.
Much Love,
Jen, Kristie and Tasha
Jortosh Ministries Ireland