A detailed event guide, complete with pictures, anecdotes and stories from 3 Canadian missionaries in Dublin Ireland.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pictures of the Kids, the Team and the City

We don't know how but Cameron got stuck in Joe's shirt ... I wasn't there and I'm kicking myself now ....
Awww, Jill and Dylan. He loves her so so much.
Jill and Dylan again - the littlest things will entertain these kids for ages!
This is our fair city! That's the River Liffey.
That's Henry Street - one of the busiest streets in Dublin - Kiki used to work down there. And that crowd? That's mild compared to what it's like at Christmas.

Dylan with blue chalk all over his face. He's just as adorable in person.
Cameron, Kiki and Ericka - those balloon hats were a huge hit and are ever so stylish.
The kids playing some form of blindfolded tag.
Oh my - this is one of the best pictures we have. For some reason (again, I wasn't there when it was initiated) all the kids decided to pile on Jill and when Cameron wanted to join the fun, the only place left was Jill's face. So, he KNEELED on her head.

The kids during the Easter Egg Hunt that Tasha planned. This was one of the calm moments - I swear as soon as we turned around they were shanking eachother to get to the cream eggs.
Ah, this is Joe playing football with the kids.
Ahahaha, my favourite game. We encourage Cameron to put this pylon on his head and run around like a zombie. It was terrifying and so amusing.
That's Cameron, me, Joe, Joshua, Dylan and Jill in front of the house.
Joe and Cameron - so cute.

And this is our team photo. Tasha cooked Easter dinner and it was epic! We were all so full and it was so so good.
That's all the pics for now as this internet shop is super hot and I am hungry. But there's about 1000 more if you want to see them. We will update again soon.

More than Well,
Jen, Kristie and Tasha
Jortosh Ministries Ireland

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Safe And Happy Arrival !!

Hey Again!

Just another quick post to say and Joe and Jill arrived happy and healthy yesterday (wow, that makes them sound like newborns doesn't it?!). We are so happy to have them and have had a blast already. We spent all last night ministering to the kids outside - and I swear, the boys in the neighbourhood could SMELL the testosterone when Joe arrived - they are so stoked to have a guy around to play football with!! Kristie and I are useless with the whole "sports" aspect, but at least Tasha tries!!

The best part of playing with the kids last night was getting to lead 3 of them to the Lord!! I walked a couple of the boys home and got to talking with them and my favourite girl outside. We discussed "Passion of The Christ" (as it was on t.v. here last night) and I got to explain why Jesus went thru all that and what that can mean to us. The kids were so excited and wanted to "talk to Jesus and tell Him [their] happy thoughts" that they wanted to receive Christ right that second!! So, on the grass, in the dark, on the anniversary weekend of our Saviour's death, 3 children came to know Jesus - unhindered, uninhibited and unaware of exactly what this moment meant to me. So praise God that He's up to something and thank you for your prayers and intercession. We feel it over here - we really do.

We'll send a more detailed update soon !!
Happy Easter - we pray you are blessed.
Much Love,
Jen, Kiki and Tasha
Jortosh Ministries Ireland

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Counting Down to Jill and Joe !!!

4 DAYS LEFT ....

Just a quick reminder to keep our friends Joe and Jill in prayer over the next couple weeks as they prepare to travel to Ireland to minister with (and to) us!!

We are so excited to have them here - Joe is an amazing prayer warrior and such a strong man of God and Jill is so beautiful and has such a soft fabulous heart. We will be so blessed by their presence here and we pray that they will be blessed by the community and the children we work with.

Please pray for protection as they travel, unity as a team, awareness of the numerous spirits that attack as you enter the city and the strength to minister, pray and experience this country and the battle within it. Also, please pray that God would be preparing Kristie, Tasha and myself to share our lives and ministry with these 2 great people and that we would welcome them into a home built on prayer and love.

Thanks everyone!
(Can't wait to see you Joe and Jill!!)

More than Well,
Jen, Kristie and Tasha
Jortosh Ministries Ireland